WorkNet LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory
& Offender Service Profile
The LifeStiles® Story

The LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory and Offender Service Profile produces client focused, customized, and easy to read reports based on assessment results. The Inventory has two areas of focus:
Identification of the client’s vocational pathways and employability
Identification of the client’s risk factors based on current evidence based practices and research in criminology that affect recidivism
The WorkNet LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory and Offender Service Profile was developed by Chas Williams, the Executive Director and Founder of WorkNet and co-designed with Ruby Menon, Program Director of the CARE Project. Mr. Williams discovered that the market lacked vocational assessment tools specific to the offender population. As a result of his discovery, he developed the LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory and Offender Service Profile to provide WorkNet an effective inventory tool to to assess offenders for their transition to employment and reentry into the community.
The tool has been tested in the field with our clients for more than 10 years. It was originally created in a written format and has recently been converted to an online format.
Employability Profile
The WorkNet LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory creates a graphic representation of the offender’s education, motivation, experience, and training across 12 vocational and technical career paths that are directly tied to National O*Net codes appropriate for offender employment and training. The Profile also shows 3 red flags that affect the client's employability across vocational paths.
O*Net Codes
The LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory provides specific O*Net codes that are a direct result of the vocational pathway responses selected by the offender. Hovering the mouse over an O*Net code provided in the report provides immediate details for that specific job code including salary, projected job growth, state trends and other useful data without the practitioner having to go into the O*Net site and search for the code and job information.
Offender Service Profile
The LifeStiles® Offender Service Profile assesses the client's areas of risk or resiliency across 8 criminogenic and lifestyle factors identified in criminal justice literature as having a direct impact on recidivism.
The practitioner can use the information from this profile to get a better understanding of the offender’s dynamic and static risk factors. Client responses can be used as a framework during a motivational interview session. The information from the profile transfers to the Individual Development Plan (IDP) in an automated workflow to create a customized plan for the offender. The practitioner uses the IDP to track each offender through required actvities necessary to address his/her specific areas of risk.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
The LifeStiles® Individual Development Plan (IDP) aggregates the information from the Offender Service Profile into a relevant and customized service plan specific to the needs of the offender from his/her profile results. Currently, practitioners spend a lot of their time manually compiling information from disparate sources to create a service plan. Our IDP automates this part of their workflow so they can be more efficient and spend their time on high value activities.
The IDP provides a process to record follow through activities in order to formulate a discharge plan at the end of the offender’s incarceration period.
Want to Learn More?
Restoring Lives, Strengthening Communities
The design of the WorkNet LifeStiles® Vocational Inventory and Offender Service Profile is based on sound evidence based practices and research in the criminal justice field. The tool provides a wholistic approach to manage offender reintegration by focusing on employability and risk factors. Ensuring that our clients are properly assessed, have jobs, housing, and identity documents are the ingredients necessary for them to successfully transition back into the community and minimize recidivism.
Interested in speaking with us to learn more about the assessment and how we use it in the field? Want a demo?
Please contact us at:
Phone: (808) 521-7770