
Dear Worknet,
Thank you so much Chaz and Warren. The services you provide helped me get my life back. I feel like a man again. 3 years in prison then coming out into a changing world is a hard thing to do and scary. Without your help, guidance and resources I wouldn't have the job I do today. Everything you taught worked and played a factor. The pre interview application training, the resume, interview training and access to computer and telephone resources is why I have a good job. My boss even told me it was my resume that stood out to him out of a stack of applicants. I knew what to write in response to a job ad on craigslist, I knew how to fill out the app and I knew what to say at the interview when the hard questions about my conviction were asked. You guys do great work and you are a great asset to the community.
Thank you so much, Adam B.
P.S. came to (work furlough) on Oct 7, 2015; finished (Worknet) orientation Oct 22, 2015; working by Nov 5, 2015

I’ve been working with Chaz at Worknet since the early 90’s. I’m 48 years old and went into prison in 1986 at 19 years old. Throughout the years, its been Worknet that has offered the help and support I desperately needed – housing, getting my license, mental health case management, interviewing skills, job placement, resumes, the list goes on.
Today, I’m clean and sober, have a CDL, full time job, and giving back the skills I’ve learned through Worknet with others. I stop in to see Chaz, Warren, and the rest at Worknet whenever I have the chance. They always have the direction and support needed to continue to move in the right direction.
Thank you, Worknet
Peter D.