WorkNet Self-Directed Job Search Program

Our Job Search program addresses the special needs inmates have in their transition back to work. Our classes provide hands on practical skills they can apply directly in their job search process.
Classes focus on:
Restoring identity documents (i.e. social security card, birth certificate, State I.D., or any other documents needed to establish identity)
Creating a resume
Learning digital skills and online job search skills
Practicing interviewing and personal presentation skills
Learning proper phone etiquette
Emerging from prison and back into the community is a major transition for our clients. Many have been out of the work world for years and must do a lot of preparation to get their information (resume, proof of identity, references, etc.) organized so they can successfully apply for a job. Many are unprepared for entering the high tech world and lack the computer skills necessary to be job ready. One of our clients told us that when he entered prison, he was using a flip phone. When he was released, he had no idea how to use a smart phone or a tablet.
WorkNet's Job Search Program addresses these client needs, provides the support they need for their successful transition to the community, and impacts recidivism.